Objectives are specific and clear. They are not ambiguous and do not shift over time. Although goals and objectives are terms that often are used interchangeably, there’s a real power in giving objectives a separate identity in how you think about your business management.

Objective: A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. BusinessDictionary.com

One of the biggest strengths of the Team Manager Developer Center (TMDC) by Leader’s Imago is our use of objectives to help define individual assessments and development counseling for employees and team managers. The TMDC Objectives are as follows:

  • to learn the expectations and standards for the role of the Team Manager
  • to participate in simulation-based learning activities such as group meetings, one-on-one interactions, inbox assignments, interruptions, and role-playing
  • to personally reflect and analyze own strengths and areas for development with the facilitation of a personal coach
  • to receive objective third-party feedback of leadership abilities based on 12 competencies and to receive results of the NEO-PI-R(TM) instrument
  • to create individual development plans focusing on strengths and areas needing development, and tied to back-home work requirements
  • to receive a Leadership Profile and Plan of Development and a “Tips & Techniques” booklet
  • to participate in a follow-up conference call with participant, manager, and TMDC coach

Each of these objectives provides powerful insights into the strengths and areas of improvement for individual team managers and allows for leadership growth in ways not available by just “learning on the job.” The TMDC should be an essential part of your regular training programs!

We’ll be diving more into each objective in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!