by Lisa Brownlee | Feb 9, 2023 | Leadership
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, so I want to talk about PASSION… Passion at Work, that it! There is some debate about whether it is appropriate for people to show their emotions in the workplace. One camp says “Passion at Work?? Heck No! Emotions have no place...
by Lisa Brownlee | Apr 6, 2020 | Effective Management, Employee Management
If your team is now following stay-at-home orders and working from home, you might be wondering what to do to keep your work-from-home employees engaged! Here are a few ideas. #1 – Equip your team with what they need to work remotely. It is incredibly frustrating...
by Lisa Brownlee | Feb 2, 2020 | Effective Management, Professional Development
Groundhog Day is February 2nd, “celebrated” since 1887. We await the emergence of a groundhog from his burrow and predict whether we can expect more winter or an early spring based on the visibility of his shadow. Interestingly, PunxsutawneyPhil (the groundhog), is...